Crystal Glassware Product Care


Storing Crystal Glassware

Crystal Glassware should be stored in a cool dry place. If storing in a cupboard, please bare in mind product dimensions as MNY Stemware are larger than average sizing.

Cleaning Crystal Glassware by Hand

Our Recommendation is to wash your crystal glassware by hand. Doing this, reduces the risk of breakages that can be caused by the improper use of a dishwasher.

1. Clear and clean your sink

Other items in the sink can cause breakages or imperfections, if they fall on or knock on your glass.

2. Control the water temperature

Ensure that the water temperature is not too hot. A temperature of 40 degrees is perfect, anything above this can result in the glassware cracking or breaking.

3. Fill your sink with warm soapy water and washing up liquid.

When cleaning crystal glasses, place a cloth at the bottom of the sink to prevent scratches or breakages to glassware.

4. Carefully clean your glassware with a soft sponge or cloth.

Do not hold stemware by the stem as crystal glassware is delicate and undue pressure on key pressure points can result in breakages.

5. Please dry glasses almost immediately with a dry cotton cloth.

This will prevent hard water residue (water spots or cloudiness) from forming on the glasses.

Cleaning Crystal Glassware by Dishwasher

We do not recommend cleaning Crystal Glassware with a dishwasher or glass-washer. please note that Crystal glassware is delicate and does not do well in drastic temperature changes. With that being said, please note that Dishwashing our products will be done at your own risk.

If a dishwasher is used, we would only recommend doing so , if a delicate setting is selected that washes the glasses at no higher than 40 degrees with no heated drying or if your dishwasher has an appropriate glassware setting.